Eve Referral

1 Million Free Skill Points & 100 Million Free ISK!

Get 1,000,000 free skill points and 100,000,000 free ISK by using the referral link below!

Click here to become a recruit now!

(or copy this friend code link if the one above doesn't work) https://www.eveonline.com/signup?invc=b68eb2d4-ab70-42d5-a92f-a870537b1651


What is Eve Online?

Eve Online is a game set in space where players can control their own ship and explore the universe. There is a large focus on trading and combat in the game, and players can join together to form alliances and corporations. The game has a unique skill-based progression system, and players can choose to specialize in any area they wish.

How do I use a referral retroactively on an existing account?

To use a referral on an existing account, click "Log in to become a recruit" under the "already have an account text"

How soon do I get my skill points?

You will automatically get your free 1,000,000 skill points as soon as register an account using our referral code!

How do I get my free 100,000,000 ISK?

Make your first purchase of any amount of PLEX or 1 month+ of Omega at https://secure.eveonline.com/ after using our referral link and send us an email with the date and time of your purchase along with your character name.

Where can I download Eve Online?

You can download Eve Online through their website or after signing up using our referral code. Eve Online is available for download on Windows and Mac.

What should I do if I don't have an EVE Online Recruit a Friend link?

You can use our EVE Online Recruit a Friend link by looking at the top of the page!

What should I do if I need help with the EVE Online referral link?

If you require assistance with the website or the EVE Online recruit a friend link, feel free to email us at help@evereferral.com